Our friend Dave Canterbury from the Pathfinder School asked for a special waxed canvas tarp. an 8′ x 6′ tarp that is very versatile, very useful. We sell them through the Self Reliance Outfitters website. Learn more about the tarp, and get some handy tips for any size tarp in these two videos.
Hi I am a rancher and firefighter in Wyoming. I am very interested in your cowboy bed roll tarp system. I carried an old oilskin tarp bed roll for years and loved being able to roll out and sleep with out need of a tent or shelter.My bed roll blew off the truck and I am interested in being able to replace it with one of your new tarps. I could not find them on the self reliance web page. Could you please tell me how much they are and when they would be available for sale.
Thank You
Jamie Rietz
Hi Jamie, sorry about the loss of your tarp! The link on their shop is this one:
you just have to pick the 6×8 one.
I only see an 8’x8′ and a 10’x9’4″, not an 8’x6′ as mentioned in the video for the cowboy roll oilskin tarp post.
the 8’x6′ tarp is specific to Pathfinder Survival. We make it, but you can only purchase it through their website.