Name: Stephen Shellenbean
Hometown: Deerfield, NH
Position: Chief Operating Officer
Which means: I figure out what we’re making and how it’s made. And then answer questions when folks are confused.
I’ve been sewing for most of my life and camping for all of it. Many were the summers I spent under canvas as a Boy Scout before discovering reenacting in college. I studied history and education while getting involved in theater and Renaissance faires. This lead to a strong desire to provide meaningful historical education to the public in an entertaining way. All of this lead to my possessing a very specific set of skills that were ideal in taking over the daily manufacturing of tents when Alena and I acquired Tentsmiths in 2019.
Favorite Tent: This varies almost event to event, but currently the Wall Tent
Why: Because of its versatility and longevity through so many periods. From Roman through WW2, you can use almost the same tent. Also easy to put up with 2 people.
Hi Stephan! Thanks for working with the Kroka students to make their tent fly! Matias wrote home telling us how much he enjoyed working with you and that he learned a lot! These are important skills that don’t get passed along to very many people these days. I had to look up your website after hearing about the tent making at Kroka. Keep up the great work!!
It was my pleasure to help, and I’m glad Matias enjoyed it! He certainly has a knack for such things.
Hi Stephen!
I’m going to be traveling through NH on July 6 in the afternoon and I’d like to stop by and drop off a tarp for repair and also talk to you about building us a sutler wedge tent which would be used to sell our wares at our farmers markets and smaller events.
Hope to hear from you!